Thursday, December 31, 2009

Legion of the Damned

I just totally scored the Boxed 5 man squad of Legion of the Damned at a local hobbytown....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Scout Shotguns and Cadians

Has anyone ever used the Shotgun scout arms from the plastic scout box and used them with standard Cadian plastic models? If so how did they turn out?

I am thinking about using the arms for a squad of Veterans.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Random Thought

Marines from the Movie Avatar= Catachan Imperial Guardsmen

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Magnets Part 2

I am ready to try magnets on the new demolisher kit so I can change out both weapon options on the side sponsons, front weapon and the turret. What size magnets should I use for this? I am mostly concerned about the magnets being strong enough to hold everything firmly in place. If someone can link me to an ebay auction or website I would be very appreciative.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I am getting a demolisher kit rolling out but I want to take advantage of all the weapon options by using magnets, Personally I have never worked with magnets and I was wondering if anyone had any tutorials or tips.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My 2000pt List

List total 1,967 Points

HQ Total 140 Pts

HQ Squad


Vox operator

Regimental Standard Bearer

Auto Cannon Team

Master of Ordinance

2 Body Guards

Troops Total 870

First Platoon total 370

Command Squad 65pts


Vox Operator


Plasma Gunner

Platoon Standard Bearer

1st Squad 60pts


Vox Operator

Grenade Launcher

7 Guardsmen

2nd Squad 60pts


Vox Operator

Grenade Launcher

7 Guardsmen

3rd Squad 60pts


Vox Operator

Grenade Launcher

7 Guardsmen

Special Weapon Squad 50pts

3 Snipers

3 Guardsmen

Heavy Weapons Squad 75pts

3 Heavy Bolter Teams

Second Platoon total 240

Command Squad 60pts


Vox Operator


Melta Gunner

Platoon Standard Bearer

1st Squad 60pts


Vox Operator


7 Guardsmen

2nd Squad 60pts


Vox Operator


7 Guardsmen

3rd Squad 60pts


Vox Operator


7 Guardsmen

Third Platoon total 260pts

Command Squad 60pts


Vox Operator

1 Guardsmen

Melta Gunner

Platoon Standard Bearer

1st Squad 65pts


Vox Operator

Melta Gunner

7 Guardsmen

2nd Squad 65pts


Vox Operator

Melta Gunner

7 Guardsmen

3rd Squad 70pts


Vox Operator

Plasma Gunner

7 Guardsmen

Elites total 387pts

Rattling Squad 50pts

5 Rattling Snipers

1st Storm Trooper Squad 121pts

1 Sergeant

1 flamer Trooper

1 plasma Trooper

3 troopers

2nd Storm Trooper Squad 116pts

1 Sergeant

1 Melta Trooper

1 grenade Trooper

3 troopers

Fast Attack total 270pts

Valkyrie Assault Carrier 130pts

Rocket Pods

Hell Hound Tank 140pts

Hunter Killer Missile

Heavy Support 400pts total

Leman Russ Battle Tank 225pts



Hunter Killer Missile

Leman Russ Battle Tank 175pts


Hunter Killer Missile

Valkyrie Close ups

On Base

Heavy Bolter Sponson View

Inside Cargo Bay

Side View

My Armor Part 2


Sentinel Squadron

Bane Blade v1.0

Bane Blade v2.0

Chimera Squadron

My Armor Part 1

Hell Hound



Leman Russ Vanquisher

Leman Russ Battle Tanks minus Sponsons

Friday, November 20, 2009

Regiment Name

Ok so I am thinking of what sort of Fluff I want to design my army around theme wise.

I have the full range of options so I was thinking of trying out several different ideas and group each idea as a Company with in the same regiment, as I will be using alot of various army lists in my idea.

2000pt List
1500pt List
1000pt List
500Pt List

Using the template used for space marine chapters with multiple companies with each company having a different purpose. I could adapt that to fill out my fluff. I am thinking of having around 10-15 different companies.

First Company "Insert name" This will be a command Company housing such characters as the regiments Colonel and other specialist.

Second Company...This will be a Veterans build Army with the focus being on highly trained Veterans and storm troopers.

Third-Eighth are just going to be various vanilla army lists with varying point totals and army list load outs.

Ninth Company will be a mechanized infantry company where they will make use of chimera and Valkyries.

Tenth Company will be an Armored Company where I hope to field the good majority of my armor.

Eleventh will be a supply and logistics company, this wont actually exist but will be mentioned.

Just some ideas....let me know what you think.

FYI...I took picutres of my tanks and armor the other night I'll be posting them asap.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I had an old Chimera that had its inner track wheels that held the tracks in place missing, its been an eye sore and I had come to the conclusion that it couldn't be repaired.

Good news is that I was able to carefully retread the top half of the tracks that were missing its wheels. It was a very careful job and as long as I am careful with it I am confident it will stay in there. Next step is to primer it straight black so I can repaint it and integrate it into active service in the Army.

Next stop on rearming my tanks is to finish up putting threads on my number 3 Leman Russ and find all the annoying tailpipes and misc pieces to put on it.

Once that is done all of my armor is off to painting.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Color Schemes and Fluff

Expanding on my post about veterans I still haven't figured out what sort of Fluff I want my army to be. They are already pretty diverse enough to be a standard combat company/regiment. A few models have been painted in the normal Cadian Scheme but I was thinking of different schemes which would make them more unique.

I want to make a 2 tone Guard scheme using black for armor and grey for the clothing. Skin tone will vary and misc pieces will be uniform with the company/regiment. Aquila's and other symbols will be done in either a silver or gold. Weapons will be mainly black with the details a bolt gun metal color. This color will work for any the planned fluff I have in development.

Now for Fluff of the company/Regiment I wanted to do either a Naval theme, City Fight/Planet Strike, or Special Forces.

The Naval Theme is easy. The Company/Regiment is on board auxiliary infantry used for repelling boardings and carrying out boardings themselves, they are used for on planet escort duty of high ranking officials and ship high command. If things get too rough they can be loaned to local PDF forces or take part in planet sieges. Members of the company/regiment are not raised from among different planets, they are taken from ship crew members who have a talent for combat, various destroyed regiments and other smaller units that get assimilated into the company/regiment.

Modeling wise, they would be armed with shotguns so veterans would be common, lascarbines for close quarter combat maneuvers, and flamers to clear narrow hallways with out destroying the interior of the vessel. Obviously plasma and melta weapons wont be used too much as no ships master wants a bunch of grunts punching holes in his ship. For obvious reasons there cant be tanks in a ship so any fluff regarding them would be based with "On World" activities. I would use Valkyries and other deep strike abilities as desired as well.

I could write some fiction based off of them, the type of stories would be like reading battle reports from a third person perspective or the commentary of the ships master at arms reviewing combat reports.

The special forces using the same color scheme would be sort of a "They don't exist" type of regiment, Top Level clearance sort of stuff. They would have no unit markings just the standard issue equipment. Heavy use of veteran themes and storm troopers. Make use of some commissars for theatrics and have them be a Black Ship detachment which could make good use of some Psycher battle squads.

Modeling would be easy, standard models in dark and oppressing scheme with standard gear with some kit bashing thrown in to give some individuality to its members but at the same time still capturing the "Men in Black" attitude of the force. They could support any matter of troops and vehicle choices.

Fiction could be written in first person or even third person with the target being a squad or platoon or one of its snipers going in and taking care of its black bagging missions.

Its a toss up between the Special Forces and the Naval theme.

I have a ton of old school guard models laying around I can build a whole other smaller army around 500-1000 points worth made up of the old metal Cadians, a Catachan platoon, Steel legion and the very old school stormtroopers with the berets.

Veterans and Psycher Battle Squads

I have a ton of random bits, mostly all Imperial Guard but a few Marine, Ork and Tau bits laying around.

I am going to try and make a veteran squad, to do this I am going to take some of those bits and add them to a normal cadian squad box.

One of my Platoons in my Army is already set up to be veterans fluff wise, it was pretty simple, I threw in the random extra heads from the cadian command box. I then bought a bunch of Heavy Weapon squad backpacks off of ebay. The End result is a platoon all with backpacks, assorted heads. It gives them a real mean and professional soldier look beyond the normal canteen and blade accessories. A few have pistol holsters on their legs and I cut off some of the stocks to make a carbines.

I am thinking of starting a new squad using Marine shoulder pads, Tau shoulder pads, various backpacks, bolt guns etc.

I am looking into creating my first Psycher Battle Squad, but it will be simple. Its a matter of using a commissar as the custodian and the old Pyschers from the previous editions.

What I am looking for are Shotguns. I have yet to see and GW stuff except for the Forge World material but i don't want to have to wait and pay out the ear to get the shotguns.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Company Command Squads

Using the Tactic laid out previously, I have been thinking about how my Command Squads need to be positioned but also how they are outfitted.

1 Officer
1 Vox
3 Weapons

Depending on the role of the Platoon will determine the type of special weapons used. First Platoons blitzkrieg maneuver would need to use something mobile and usable in the first round of the game to allow for the force to move forward and engage the enemy at closer ranges. Since First Platoon will likely be wiped out turn 2-3 I want something that will pound the enemy line of advance. Grenade Launchers would work very well where as Plasma while effective is just too expensive to waste on a suicide unit.

Second Platoon Command could be outfitted with Sniper Rifles since they will be stationary supporting second platoon for the duration of the battle. If I don't use this for second platoon I will most likely form a special weapons squad with the three sniper rifles. Their job will be mostly to pick off Indy characters and low numbered squads from a distance.

Company Command could be updated with a long range weapon like a rocket launcher team since it will most likely remain stationary in the back field for the duration of the battle.

The Core of a Company

Right now I am building a list for a generic Combat Company, which I hope to keep in the 1,ooo point range.

Command Company
1 Officer (Captain)
1 Vox
1 Standard Bearer
1 Special Weapon
1 Guardsman with lasgun

First Platoon
1 Officer (Lieutenant)
1 Vox
1 Standard Bearer
1 Special Weapon
1 Guardsman with lasgun

First Squad
1 Sergeant with Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
1 Vox Operator
1 Heavy Weapon (Flamer)
7 Guardsman with Lasgun

Second Squad
1 Sergeant with Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
1 Vox Operator
1 Heavy Weapon (Flamer)
7 Guardsman with Lasgun

Third Squad Squad
1 Sergeant with Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
1 Vox Operator
1 Heavy Weapon (Flamer)
7 Guardsman with Lasgun

Second Platoon
1 Officer (Lieutenant)
1 Vox
1 Standard Bearer
1 Special Weapon
1 Guardsman with lasgun

First Squad
1 Sergeant with Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
1 Vox Operator
1 Heavy Weapon Plasma, Meltagun or Grenade Launcher
7 Guardsman with Lasgund Platoon

Second Squad
1 Sergeant with Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
1 Vox Operator
1 Heavy Weapon Plasma, Meltagun or Grenade Launcher
7 Guardsman with Lasgun

Third Squad
1 Sergeant with Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
1 Vox Operator
1 Heavy Weapon Plasma, Meltagun, or Grenade Launcher
7 Guardsman with Lasgun

Miscellaneous Support Squads
In addition to these two Platoons they will have a few more support squads attached to them, options is Sniper Squad, Heavy Weapon Squad or Sentinel Squad.

Additional Support Available
Ratling Snipers
Storm trooper Squads
Psycher Battle Squads

Heavy Support Options
Leman Russ Battle Tank (Standard, Demolisher, Vanquisher)
Hell Hound

The Goal/main strategy for this Army is to have First Platoon Advance as forward as possible fast as possible to engage the enemy at close range with the flamers. Second Platoon will give support to First Platoon with long range fire and utilizing its special weapons to do more pin point damage. If the Hell Hound is utilized as Heavy Support it will advance forward with 1st Platoon to go along with the heavy damage capabilities of the squads. Its expected that the first platoon will be lost due to assault phases and being the first targets to come in range. Their job is to give Second and other company assets the ability to gain ground and set up a firing line, while softening up targets at the spearhead of an enemy advance.

Second Platoon will occupy key locations and cover in the backfield to create a firing line for the advancing enemy army. Leman Russ options, snipers and command squads will be held behind second platoons positions to stay out of harms way while providing long range support for first and second platoon.

Other elements such as sentinel squads, storm trooper squads and others will be used to cover enemy flanking and provide reserves for a faltering second platoon or to press a first platoon spearhead via Valkyrie or Chimera with Storm troopers and other support squads such as veterans.

Imperial Guard

I am a huge Guard Fan. I have way too many miniatures, but with the guard you cant have enough troops right?

Like i mentioned in a previous post I am a huge collector, I especially like the character models and I try to give each of my common troops some sort of special touch.

This post will be a few different parts since I have alot to list as I did with my Marine list previously. I do not have an official Army list completely figured out as of yet as I have yet to play with the new codex in anything but a few test turns of combat.

Here is a list of my Armor

3 Leman Russ Battle Tanks (sponsons optional)
1 Leman Russ Vanquisher
1 Leman Russ Demolisher (Old Version)
1 Basilisk
3 Chimera (one of which I need to find some bits for track guards as the inner track wheels are missing)
3 Sentinels (rigged for optional weapons)
1 Bane Blade (multiple variants available)
1 Valkrie
1 Hellhound (old Version)

Its a pretty buff bunch of models half of which I got off of ebay so I have stripped a few of them down for repainting.

My plan is to one day feild them all as a Tank Company in either an Apoclaypse or Planet Strike Game, but I still have alot to learn about rules and several trial and error tries before I get real comfortable with fielding a list of tanks.

So far I usually field a single Russ in my 1k point army with either a chimera or my hellhound in support.

Space Marines

I am going to go into my Space Marine models first, feel free to leave comments as I am more of a collector than a player.

I picked up the Black Reach set when it came out I wanted to start off with a cheap means of starting a Marine Army. I picked up an additional Tactical Squad and Terminator Squad off of Ebay along with an Assault Squad. I've also had a ton of random models from over the years some are scrapped together models made up of random bits.

I am mainly a Guard player so I am in new waters playing Marines.

Here is the complete List thus far.

(1) Space Marine Commander (Black Reach)
(2) 10 Marine Tactical Squads (Black Reach)
(2) 5 Terminator Squads (Black Reach)
(1) 5 Marine Combat Squad (Scratch Models)
(5) 5 Marine Assault Squad
(1) Dreadnought (Black Reach)
(1) Rhino
(1) Scout Sgt Tellion
(1) 1 Old school Terminator with Power Sword and Storm Bolter

I am big on fluff so I am wondering what I want to do with them. I am thinking about just making a blase Ultramarines Chapter Army.

I am thinking about picking up a Scout and Devastator Squad to even out the mix of available unit types so I can make multiple lists.

The First Post

Hello All, this is going to be my new 40k blog where I will discuss current events as it relates to my war gaming hobbies.

At current I have a large Imperial Guard Army in Development as well as a smaller Space Marine Army also in Development.

Other activities related to the hobby, I play Dawn of War 1 plus all expansion, Dawn of War 2 on the PC. I also enjoy the Black Library line of books pertaining to the Imperial Guard.